NDP Community

  • 1.  Boundaries

    Posted 02-09-2022 09:59
    What has been one of the biggest lessons you have learned regarding the importance of boundaries? Many disability workers learn from experience about how having poor boundaries can impact negatively on the support we provide  - this is because we care and the relationships we build with participants are genuine and meaningful. Please share your experience and reflection on how you now manage things differently

    Nicole Leathem

  • 2.  RE: Boundaries

    Posted 05-09-2022 09:52
    Hey Nicole,
    Your question regarding the importance of boundaries… I believe "consistency" is of vital importance when it comes to providing support. Participants know where they stand, expectations are uniform and favouritism (I like him over her) is decreased. Obviously the opportunity for support staff to become clinical and cold is there, but we support staff aren't like that, are we? It's frustrating to hear "he let's me do it" especially when it's outside the boundary. Outline the rules, have staff maintain them and review with supervisors any requests that attempt to "bend them". That way any breaches are authorised and the Participant is solid in knowing you worked for them and with them to assist.

    Ross Cundall