
Gary Ashton

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Posted By Gary Ashton 18-08-2024 18:58
Found In Egroup: NDP Community
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That's a great question, unfortunately i can't answer it only add to the inquiry. We have to use our personal phones and download a number of apps, plus access client information as well. I'm told everything is safe and secure but given the amount of times Australian business and Govt have been hacked ...
Posted By Gary Ashton 11-09-2023 19:50
Found In Egroup: NDP Community
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Nicole, thanks for the response. Yes the Practice Standards are taken from the original disability standards but the framework I am talking about is a specific philosophical concept that allows the staff to have a shared vision of exactly what the individual can achieve and the method to get there. It ...
Posted By Gary Ashton 08-09-2023 20:23
Found In Egroup: NDP Community
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For a long time I have worked as a front-line support worker and noticed the incredible range of understanding people have towards clients with disabilities and how they work in real terms. While our diverse backgrounds and history make us all remarkable and unique i have been amazed at how this also ...